質問箱 Question box

あなたの質問(しつもん)を このページから留学生相談室(りゅうがくせい そうだんしつ)へ送(おく)ってください
Please send your question to the International Student Advisory Room from this page. We will reply by e-mail.

赤で 必須 と書いてある項目(こうもく)は、かならず記入してください。
Please transmit your inquiries and questions after filling out the following form in Japanese or in English.
Please be sure to fill in all the red 必須 items .

We will send you reply mail from the International Student Advisory Room. It may take 2 or 3 days until you receive our mail.
If you cannot receive our mail within a week, please call us.

質問箱 Question box
姓(family name) / 名(given name)
性別 (male or female)必須

国・地域 (nationality/region)
日本の方は (for Japanese)
外国の方は (for the people from other countries)
聞きたいことは (point of the question)